And Casey - Tina's boyfriend and a Ph.D. candidate in something I can't pronounce at Case Western Reserve University. He looks sort of serious and scholarly, doesn't he? (ha!)

Tina asked me to take some photos of her and Casey at Wade Lagoon while it is in bloom. Since I was going to be down there, I said, "Surrrree! 20 minutes should give you a few nice photos." Now I know Tina -- and I know Casey -- and I should have known what I was in for.
Tina and Casey have been together for 7 years. And Casey hates getting his picture taken. He will do anything and everything to thwart my effort to get a "regular" photo. And Tina? She laughs at everything he does :-)
As I was going through these pictures, I am struck by how well these two fit together. They are unpretentious and really enjoy being together. It's a beautiful thing.
Their normal pictures are the photo compositions. The single photos are the rare moments that they were caught being sane :-) Click on the photos to see larger versions.

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