There are a whole lot of things I look toward to inspire me -- songs, paintings, poems, movies. I may pass something by every day and think of the lyrics to a song and eventually I will have to capture it in my camera because the words (for me) fit the emotion it gives me. When preparing for an upcoming engagement session, I may ask the couple to share "their song" with me, so that it might inspire me to take a photo that belongs only to them. Or I will put myself in the mood by listening to songs that evoke strong emotion. When I'm watching a movie, I'll see a scene that I think might be fun to capture in a photo somehow...or I'll view a painting and think of how gorgeous it is and wonder how I could apply some of that beauty to a photo. And poetry...there's a wealth of emotion in poetry, that I will strive take a line or two and bring it to life with an image.
The end result can change, and maybe not exactly how I envisioned, but nevertheless, it was the inspiration that brought me there and the photo would not have been created without it. So in that regard, I appreciate the writer, the painter, the poet, for sharing their vision and evoking the emotion in me.
Some examples of the inspiration I have received are below. What might be surprising is that the inspiration for a photo about a couple deeply in love may have actually have been inspired by the lyrics that (as a whole) come from a sad sad song...but it's not the song as a whole that inspires me -- just the one fragment that I focus on...the one fragment that I can't get out of my mind.

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