I had such a wonderful time at Rachael and Jon's wedding -- it's hard to convey, in words, how much I adore and appreciate their kindness and the warmth of their entire family. I had gotten to know them quite well over the year, having taken their engagement session photos and also Rachael's brother's wedding in August of this year. I have been looking forward to this wedding all year! I knew that it would be a beautiful wedding and I wasn't disappointed. Their ceremony was at the Mill Hollow Carriage Barn at the Vermilion River Reservation. The only way to describe it was rustic-elegant. The warmth of the colors, the leaves, the decorations made the whole setting breathtaking. I enjoyed my day so much -- some pictures.... (click individual pictures to enlarge)
Rachael getting ready through the photographic eye of her flower girl...

Rachael's emotions run deep and with it came tears. Putting on the veil? Tears. Group hug with her bridesmaids? Tears. Emotional sentiment?...Tears. :-) It was endearing to see such depth of emotion.

Rachael shares a getting ready kiss with Allison, her flowergirl.

A pensive moment just before she walks down the aisle...

The officiant said, "you may kiss the bride...and don't stop until I tell you!" With that he let them kiss for it had to be a full 60 seconds - at which point Rachael and Jon began to laugh...

After the ceremony I like to follow the bride and groom to capture the moment that they are alone and right before they receive their guests...and...could it be that Jon was also overcome for a moment?

Rachael's new mother in law congratulates Rachael...

Tiny bubbles greeted them as they stepped out of the cabin...

This shot required very little set up since this rambunctious group had already begin to throw leaves at each other!

The camera loves this little beauty!

Jon and his handsome groomsmen...

Rachael and Jon. Considering it was chilly-bordering-cold, they did quite well looking like it was a warm autumn day.

I can't even begin to tell you how gorgeous these flowers were against the fallen leaves. The rosary belonged to Rachael's grandmother and a beautiful sentiment to add to her bouquet.

The details at the reception were gorgeous!

I loved this next part and knew it was coming - the official "ringing of the cowbell" by both moms. The cowbells rang all night -- encouraging many kisses for the new bride and groom.

Detail shot of their rings on some of the table decorations

I love capturing couples as they dance -- Dave and Leah were married in August (Dave is Rachael's brother) -- and I was lucky enough to photograph their wedding also!

This dancing was far from the dancefloor - in fact, it was on the opposite end of the room. They were oblivious to anyone around them :-)

Rachael's matron of honor sharing a moment on the dance floor with her husband...

A polish tradition is the "removing of the veil" - Rachael's mom and grandmother and Jon's mom took the veil off and replaced it with another headpiece. I believe this signifies her transition to marriage.

Rachael's dad - what a great guy! He has a true love for photography. Tie that in with his friendly and open nature and you get shots like this one of him photographing the catering crew hamming it up! :-)