Here are a few pictures of the day (click on individual pictures to see larger version)
Getting ready...a shot of Alison's beautiful jewelery...

Alison has gorgeous hair and the style was beautiful -- here she sits patiently as the finishing curls are put into place...

The bridesmaids also wait patiently -- they are all ready to help Alison with her dress and veil

The lacing begins...

They had a harpist at the ceremony --

Whoops! There goes the veil!

This was an emotional day for the both of them...

The officiant knew Alison and Brian well, relaying some stories that inspired laughter from this very well attended wedding

Orchard Hills has such a lovely landscape - perfect for a romantic stroll...

A couple of bridal shots of the lovely Alison

And finally a couple of portraits of Alison and Brian...